What Are Effective Approaches to International SEO?


    What Are Effective Approaches to International SEO?

    We asked CEOs and SEO strategists to share their best tips on tackling international SEO challenges. From leveraging AI for content to focusing on unique search behaviors, here are five different approaches for a winning global strategy.

    • Leverage AI For Content
    • Start With Local Keyword Research
    • Understand Local Search Behaviors
    • Localize Content and Keywords
    • Focus On Unique Search Behaviors

    Leverage AI For Content

    When approaching international SEO, the key is to ensure both technical optimization and cultural relevance for each target market. A successful tactic I used involved leveraging AI to automate multilingual content creation. For example, I worked with a Slovak e-commerce client to expand internationally by creating a custom GPT model tailored to their brand. Even though I didn’t speak Slovak, I trained the AI using client-specific materials like interviews, decks, and website data.

    This AI-generated content—including blog posts, category descriptions, and product pages—was customized in multiple languages, ensuring cultural nuances and SEO best practices were met. This tactic allowed the client to scale rapidly into new regions while maintaining consistent messaging and a strong brand voice, which drove significant traffic and improved international rankings across markets. The ability to produce high-quality content efficiently in various languages proved to be a game-changer for their global expansion strategy.

    victoria olsina
    victoria olsinaWeb3 SEO Agency Founder, VictoriaOlsina.com

    Start With Local Keyword Research

    As an agency specializing in international SEO, we know firsthand how important it is to have an independent keyword strategy for each market. Many companies entering their first international market make the mistake of simply translating their domestic keywords and believe they will have similar success in their new export market. They tend to forget that at home, they are a dominant market player with lots of ranking signals in their favor, while in international markets, they are the new kid on the block and search engines must first assess to what extent they are able to satisfy the local search intentions. In their domestic market, they might achieve top rankings for competitive keywords, but they might have to opt for a strategy of competition-avoidance in new markets. It is therefore vital to start with in-depth keyword research, understand how their target audiences use search engines in the new market, and adapt their keyword strategy to their reduced firepower. Many times, we start with niche keywords and move to more competitive keywords with higher search volumes later. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

    Frank Seidel
    Frank SeidelCEO, Adieu-Ark-B Marketing

    Understand Local Search Behaviors

    Quite simply, international SEO is a matter of understanding how the local population actually searches for something online, and not just a translation of the words you would search in your home country. Many people approach international SEO from a purely Google/Amazon point-of-view, but it's important to know how people actually consume media across the globe.

    One example from my past is that I worked with an American company that had purchased a Czech manufacturer and was trying to sell its home-improvement materials online and grow its visibility. While all of their existing agencies had optimized the site for Google and Amazon specifically, we were able to understand how their local community consumed content online, and we were able to get them set up with an optimized profile on Bazos, a Czech e-commerce site, in addition to Seznam, a Czech search engine. Because the competition levels were very different between those Czech properties and the larger, less-used-in-Czechia giants, it was easier to optimize them and directly increase leads and sales in a shorter amount of time. We Americans often have our own skewed view of the world and how it works—when it could be completely flipped on its side somewhere else. Knowing the customer is key to successful international SEO.

    Will Wright
    Will WrightLead SEO Strategist, Direct Online Marketing

    Localize Content and Keywords

    As the founder of an AI-driven hotel-marketing company, international SEO is critical to our success. Our technology aggregates data from billions of points to optimize targeting for hotels in any region. For a major client in Mexico, we translated their website into Spanish and focused campaigns on keywords used locally. Within months, their direct bookings from Mexico rose over 50%.

    Understanding how audiences search and engage in each target market is key. We research behaviors, devices, and platforms for every region to craft custom strategies. Localizing content and optimizing for location-specific keywords builds relevancy and authority in each market. For hotels, this could mean translating your Google My Business profiles or earning backlinks from local sites. These signals show search engines your relevance to that audience.

    International SEO is complex, but for companies seeking new global customers, localization is key. A one-size-fits-all approach won’t resonate across borders. Instead, customize for each region’s unique preferences to drive real results. For Sail and our clients, this hyper-targeted method continues achieving substantial gains in traffic, bookings, and revenue across the globe.

    Shahar Rubin
    Shahar RubinFounder & CEO, Sail

    Focus On Unique Search Behaviors

    At Orange Line, we see international SEO as both a challenge and an opportunity. The technical side is essential, making sure search engines can efficiently crawl and index your site. However, things can get complicated when businesses try to target too many languages or regions. This often leads to problems, like unnecessary overlap or missed opportunities in key markets. A solid domain strategy that's tailored to each market is crucial for avoiding these issues and driving visibility in both new and existing regions.

    One tactic that has really paid off for us is focusing on the unique search behaviors of users in different markets. Even in English-speaking countries like Australia, the US, and the UK, people use search terms and language in distinct ways. We've found that working with native or fluent speakers is a game changer. It helps us fine-tune our keyword research and content strategy, ensuring that we're hitting the right notes for each audience. This approach can make all the difference when you're aiming for top performance.

    For example, we worked with a global e-commerce client and discovered that the way Australians searched for their products was quite different from customers in the US or UK. By adapting our strategy, localizing keywords and adjusting content, we saw a significant increase in organic traffic and conversions in the Australian market. It's clear proof that success in international SEO often comes down to understanding those small but crucial differences in user behavior.

    Veronika Warren
    Veronika WarrenHead of SEO, Orange Line